- No outside alcoholic beverage shall be permitted onsite. This is a violation of Ohio Liquor License Laws and will be fully enforced.
- Each match will be THREE sets to 21, 23 cap and not exceed the 1 hour of court time allocated.
- Fallen Timbers will NOT PROVIDE OFFICIALS. Each league may referee on their own.
- Each team is responsible to keep and record their score and report score via the web based scoring site.
- First serve of match will be determined by rock, paper, and scissors. The loosing team will have first serve for the second set.
- Coed 4s MUST have minimum ONE female on court at all times.
- Coed 6s MUST have minimum TWO females on court at all times.
- All participants MUST complete the liability waiver before participating including subs, no exceptions.
First and foremost, these leagues are intended to be fun, social and recreational in nature. Accordingly, aggressive or confrontational behavior will not be tolerated. If there is a dispute, replay a point.
Seriously – just have a good time in our leagues. We do not manage our golf leagues and we will not manage our volleyball leagues. We expect kinder and gentler understating of the term “recreational fun” and those that can’t get along should play elsewhere.
- Each member of a team shall rotate clockwise for service.
- Server must hit the ball with both feet behind the end line.
- Returning team may not spike/block a serve return.
- Serves that hit the net and go over are considered “legal”
- No player may serve twice in a row after the other team has sided out their first serve, you must plan your substitutions accordingly.
- Substitutions can only be made in positions that are next to a boundary line.
- Substitutions must be made at the same spot designated by what position on the court that you make your first substitution.
- Each team may hit a ball 3 times before the ball is hit to the opposing team (Duh!).
- Touching a ball (other than a block) is considered a hit.
- A ball is “in-play” until it touches the ground or hits an out of bounds object.
- Two players touching a ball at the same time counts as one “hit* and either may return hit it again.
- Don’t scoop, lift or throw the ball.
- The ball can make contact with any part of your body and count as a hit but must only contact one part of your body or multiple parts
simultaneously to be considered a legal contact.
- Touch the net? Lose the point.
- Spikers may cross the “net-line” with a follow through but not touch the net.
- Blockers may not reach over the net and contact the ball before the hitter has had their chance to contact the ball unless any part of the ball is
directly above the net (plane). - Players may cross the net-line under the net, unless it interferes with the opposing team’s play.
- Disputes: In the case of an honest dispute – REPLAY THE POINT!
- No outside alcoholic beverage shall be permitted onsite. This is a violation of Ohio Liquor License Laws and will be fully enforced.
- All games are “Co-ed 6s” meaning up to six players on the Court at one time (3 male maximum)
- Minimum 4 players on the Court at one time. (example: 3 male, 1 female; 2 male, 2 female; 1 male, 3 female; etc.)
- Maximum 3 men on the Court at one time.
- Must start game on-time if the minimum number of players are present.
- All players on a roster (or playing in a game) must sign a waiver.
- Your team forfeits if less than 4 players are present for a team. You still may play an “exhibition match* but it will be a loss for the understaffed team. Unless the other team captain agrees that the number of participants you have is okay….if they don’t care, we don’t care!
- Management reserves the right to ask a team to change their name if it’s overly offensive or inappropriate. If teams have the same or similar
names then the captain’s last name will be applied to their team name. - Fallen Timbers Sand Volleyball does not demand rosters nor do we check the ones that are submitted. All players are permitted to play at an as long as they have filled out a waiver and paid applicable fees, before they play.
- We never cancel a match or league for rain prior to the scheduled start time. Unless the courts are unplayable (based upon prior rain) or there is a reasonable threat of lightning for our area.
- While there may be a cancellation from time to time based upon these conditions, the league captain will be notified and they would be your most reliable contact.
- Postponement or “skipping” a league play for holidays will be decided at the commencement of league play and will be made a part of the league schedule (4th of July, Memorial Day, Labor Day).
- It is the responsibility of the captains to reschedule a match in the event of rain/holiday.
- In the event one team shows up and the other doesn’t – the “no-show” team will receive a loss.